Goddess of the Grid
The Crystalline Grid Keepers are the ancient ones who were appointed the duty and honor of harmonizing the frequencies during the Great Shift of human consciousness. As they anchor the ancient knowledge of Gaia, Source and the Goddess, they become pillars of the New Age and New Earth. Energy pulsars from the Galactic Sun are sent as shock-waves through the grid lines/leylines (also called Dragon Lines) of the earth. These meridian points often intersect creating powerful vortex points that merge space across the realms much like a quantum web of energy, whose highways transmit and transmute within the ether. High Priestesses, Shamans, and Grid Keepers are powerful star seeds with a paramount mission to protect and heal alongside these leylines as New Earth is built from the heavens (5D+) and manifested into the physical reality. This Goddess is connecting to Source alongside her spirit animal and power totem, the mountain lion. Her heritage was inspired by the Hopi and Zuni tribes who highlight the coming prophecy of New Earth in their traditions and culture. We are keepers of the Earth, and you are a holder of Light.
The Crystalline Grid Keepers are the ancient ones who were appointed the duty and honor of harmonizing the frequencies during the Great Shift of human consciousness. As they anchor the ancient knowledge of Gaia, Source and the Goddess, they become pillars of the New Age and New Earth. Energy pulsars from the Galactic Sun are sent as shock-waves through the grid lines/leylines (also called Dragon Lines) of the earth. These meridian points often intersect creating powerful vortex points that merge space across the realms much like a quantum web of energy, whose highways transmit and transmute within the ether. High Priestesses, Shamans, and Grid Keepers are powerful star seeds with a paramount mission to protect and heal alongside these leylines as New Earth is built from the heavens (5D+) and manifested into the physical reality. This Goddess is connecting to Source alongside her spirit animal and power totem, the mountain lion. Her heritage was inspired by the Hopi and Zuni tribes who highlight the coming prophecy of New Earth in their traditions and culture. We are keepers of the Earth, and you are a holder of Light.
The Crystalline Grid Keepers are the ancient ones who were appointed the duty and honor of harmonizing the frequencies during the Great Shift of human consciousness. As they anchor the ancient knowledge of Gaia, Source and the Goddess, they become pillars of the New Age and New Earth. Energy pulsars from the Galactic Sun are sent as shock-waves through the grid lines/leylines (also called Dragon Lines) of the earth. These meridian points often intersect creating powerful vortex points that merge space across the realms much like a quantum web of energy, whose highways transmit and transmute within the ether. High Priestesses, Shamans, and Grid Keepers are powerful star seeds with a paramount mission to protect and heal alongside these leylines as New Earth is built from the heavens (5D+) and manifested into the physical reality. This Goddess is connecting to Source alongside her spirit animal and power totem, the mountain lion. Her heritage was inspired by the Hopi and Zuni tribes who highlight the coming prophecy of New Earth in their traditions and culture. We are keepers of the Earth, and you are a holder of Light.
Acrylic on canvas 30” x 40” 2023